Kevin Hogan The Psychology of Persuasion

16526 W 78th St, Eden Prairie, MN 55346, USA

About Kevin Hogan The Psychology of Persuasion

    Kevin Hogan is the author of 24 books. He is best known for his international best-selling books and The Psychology of Persuasion: How to Persuade Others to Your Way of Thinking.

    In the past decade he has become the Body Language Expert to The Wall Street Journal, ABC, Fox, The BBC, The New York Times, The Toronto Sun, The New York Post and dozens of popular magazines like Forbes, Investors Business Daily, InTouch, First for Women, Success!, and Cosmopolitan.

    Hogan has taught Persuasion and Influence at the University of St. Thomas Management Center and is a frequent media guest. Articles by and about him have appeared in The Harvard Business Review, New York Magazine, Sales Guru, Success!, Men’s Health, Redbook, Women’s Health, Office Pro, Selling Power, and hundreds of other publications. He was recently featured in a half dozen magazines including Benefit, World Business Class, and wProst) in Poland.

    Our Address

    16526 W 78th St, Eden Prairie, MN 55346, USA

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